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“People don’t believe what you tell them.
They rarely believe what you show them.
They often believe what their friends tell them.
They always believe what they tell themselves.
What leaders do: they give people stories they can tell themselves. Stories about the future and about the change.”
― Seth Godin, Tribes: We Need You to Lead UsÂ
When I first started my business, I didn’t quite realize why I even need to bother to create a community of like-minded people. What does it even mean? How it will help to grow my business?
Can’t I just show up and start selling my services directly? Well, it’s exactly what I tried to do in the beginning. I was sharing the content that I thought people wanted to read. I was afraid of being too generous and sharing too much valuable information. Because if I do, who on earth will want to buy my products and services afterwards?
I didn’t know who I was as a person and what I was standing for. I was afraid of showing up who I was, I didn’t want to be vulnerable. I tried to create some generic, mediocre services that will appeal to everybody. I wanted to be accepted and liked by everybody. I thought the more followers I will have, the better.
As you can guess It leads nowhere. I was always anxious, looking behind my back at other people in my industry. I didn’t understand what made me different, and why people will even consider buying from me. But the answer was inside of me all this time. I just didn’t want to look at it. I preferred to look outside to find it.
You don’t need to be ideal, you don’t need to be liked by everybody, you don’t need everything to be perfect before you decide to show up, you don’t need to do what is trendy, but doesn’t feel like you, you don’t need to hide. You can stay yourself, own it, share your story, be generous, care enough about the difference you want to make in the world, and show up consistently for your tribe and lead it with your thoughts, ideas, and your personality.
“Our job in this lifetime is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be but to find out who we already are and become it.”
― Steven Pressfield, The War Of Art
There are still many businesses and brands that want to appeal to everybody, and be liked by everybody. The more the better considered to be the best strategy for a very long time. And it worked in the past. Many companies were able to make a fortune because many people bought their generic, mediocre products or services. But does this strategy still work today?
Creating a very generic product or service for everybody means creating something mediocre, not remarkable. People are tired of mediocrity. And a desperate desire to be liked by everybody will never lead you anywhere. You will be obliged to pretend to be somebody else, to pretend to like things you actually don’t and lose yourself. Will you really care about making an impact, creating a change, and serving generously your community when you act from this place? I don’t think so!
Today we see everything changing. Pushy selling and invasive advertisements irritate most people very much. They lose trust when they experience things like that. People hate when somebody tries to be invasive and sell things without their permission. Sell the things that they don’t actually need.
Today people buy when they trust when they believe that you have authority and expertise. People buy when they can relate when they feel that you can understand them and make their life easier. People buy when you can solve a problem for them. People buy when they see a real person behind the business and brand, not an idealized image.
There are many advantages of building a real community of people around your business, your ideas, or you as a person. At first, it can be difficult, and not easy to make the first step, to challenge a status quo, to find the courage to speak your voice and share your ideas. It’s natural to feel uncomfortable and feel fear at first.
There are several things you can start doing today to help you to build a community of like-minded people for your business:
Building an authentic community of like-minded people is absolutely vital today if you want to grow your business, and create a real impact on the world with your work.
You can unite 1000 real fans around you and your work, let them spread the word about your work and make a decent living like that. You don’t need to have millions of fans and followers to succeed anymore, you don’t need to be liked by everybody, or create mediocre products or services that are for everybody.
Instead, you can create products or services that are aligned with your values, that reflect your personality, and that will bring enormous value to a specific group of people you will choose to serve. And it’s completely okay not to be accepted and liked by everybody, and why on earth you will even want that?