🇺🇦 I stand with my family, friends, colleagues in Ukraine, and all people of Ukraine. To support Ukraine visit this page.

How to Tap Into Your Creativity and Ignite Your Creative Muse

How to Tap Into Your Creativity and Ignite Your Creative Muse Creativity often feels like an abstract concept, yet it’s a vital part of our human experience. It’s about bringing something new and unique into existence, something that has never existed before. Every person has a unique lens through which they view and experience the […]

14 Ways To Feed Your Creative Muse

14 Ways to feed your creative muse “The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them. The hunt to discover those jewels––that’s creative living.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear   It’s very easy to get lost in everyday mundane tasks, things […]

How To Start Building Self-Confidence

How to start building self-Confidence I was reflecting a lot about confidence and the role it plays in our everyday lives for the past several weeks. I have always been quite a shy person, but recently I started to notice how the lack of it was preventing me from taking consistent action in my business, […]

How To Find The Courage To Put Yourself Out There

How to find the courage to put yourself out there ”The willingness to show up changes us, It makes us a little braver each time.” – Brené Brown I’m not ready. I have nothing to say. Who will listen to me? There are thousands of people who said it before. I’m afraid of what people […]

How To Cope With The Resistance As A Small Business Owner

How to cope with resistance as a small business owner When I first went on the path of entrepreneurship I had no idea what it meant and what it takes to make everything work. But I decided to take a risk because I simply couldn’t find a sense of doing the same mechanical job over […]