🇺🇦 I stand with my family, friends, colleagues in Ukraine, and all people of Ukraine. To support Ukraine visit this page.

14 Ways To Feed Your Creative Muse

14 Ways to feed your creative muse “The universe buries strange jewels deep within us all, and then stands back to see if we can find them. The hunt to discover those jewels––that’s creative living.” ― Elizabeth Gilbert, Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear   It’s very easy to get lost in everyday mundane tasks, things […]

How To Get A Trustworthy And Effective Client Testimonial For Your Business?

How To Get A Trustworthy And Effective Client Testimonial For Your Business? Testimonials are a vital part of your business and brand success and growth. Testimonials shape the perception of your brand and business by your prospects. Specific and well-written testimonials encourage your website visitors to take action and buy that product or service or […]

How To Choose The Best Hosting For Your WordPress Website

How to choose the best hosting for your WordPress website Choosing a good hosting for your WordPress website can be intimidating, especially when you build your website by yourself. There are many great resources and videos out there to help to do that. Although, when I was doing my research I found that is that […]

How To Overcome The Fear Of Selling And Improve Your Sales

How to overcome the fear of selling and 18 tips to improve your sales Why are we afraid of selling “I’m afraid of rejection.” “I’m not an expert.” “Nobody will buy from a stranger.” “Who am I to sell it?” “I don’t want to be too pushy and too salesy.” “I’m afraid of failure.” “I […]

Why You Don’t Need A Website When You Start Your Business

why you don’t need a website when you start your business. When you’re about to start your business the first thing that comes up to your mind is creating a website. Although, it’s not the best place to start. Creating a website can be intimidating and time-consuming when you are just starting out. Often it’s […]

How To Find The Courage To Put Yourself Out There

How to find the courage to put yourself out there ”The willingness to show up changes us, It makes us a little braver each time.” – Brené Brown I’m not ready. I have nothing to say. Who will listen to me? There are thousands of people who said it before. I’m afraid of what people […]

The Importance Of Storytelling In Your Business

Telling stories is a part of our everyday communication. People have been telling stories to each other since ancient times, starting with legends, myths, and fairy tales.  In every story, we tell there is always something intriguing, something that catches our attention, something that engages and makes us crave more. We tell stories for different […]

5 Types Of Stories To Tell In Your Business

5 TYPES OF STORIES TO TELL IN YOUR BUSINESS I already mentioned the importance of using storytelling in your business. In this blog post, I wanted to speak about the different types of stories you can tell in your business. You can use different types of stories to inspire and create an emotional connection with […]