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5 reasons why your web copy is as important as your web design

Usually, when we think about a website, we imagine beautiful pictures, graphics, and design elements. And of course, a website should be aesthetically pleasing and create a smooth user experience, but what about the web copy? Is it clear from the first sign to your new visitors what you do? What do you offer? How they can benefit from working with you?

Many web designers care only about the visual side of the website and don’t care much about the copy. Of course, if you have a budget, you can always hire a professional copywriter. But not every small business owner can do that, especially when you just starting out.

When I was building my first website, I didn’t care about the copy much and I didn’t realize its importance of it. I thought that I can just put whatever text, write the description of what I do, and people will start booking calls with me. But people don’t interest in you, or in what do most of the time, they want to know right away what’s there for them and how you can help them solve their problems.

It’s always better to have a simple website with a great and clear web copy than a website with a sophisticated design and a poor copy.

Down below I uncover 5 reasons why your website copy is as much important as your design.


It’s important to have a visually beautiful website, to create a great first impression on your new visitors. But it’s not the aesthetically pleasing graphic element or nice colour combination that will make people take action if they’re interested in your offer. 

Does your website have an objective? What do you want to achieve with it? Do you want people to book a call with you? Buy your book? Buy your course? Subscribe to your newsletter? If you think about your main website goal and create everything around it, your website will be way more intentional.

When you decide what your main goal is, you can start deciding the main goals for every of your website pages. Every single page you create should have at least several calls to action (CTA). A good copy will lead your visitors to this CTA, and make them take action if they are interested. Finish every single page with a CTA. It will prevent people from just browsing your website and never taking any action.

New visitors can arrive on any of your website pages. Is it clear from any page you have what you do? What is your offer? How your visitors will benefit from your work?

Clear copy helps to ATTRACT your ideal clients

Don’t be afraid to be very specific and put right in the beginning what you do. Does your website offer what people are looking for? Is it easy to find all the necessary information on your website? People don’t read the information on the web, they scan it. They’re busy and don’t have time, if there are too many distractions and if they cannot find the information they are looking for, they leave.

In addition to this, if you’re very clear right from the beginning about who you are and what you do, it will help to get rid of people who are not interested in what you have to offer right away. You won’t waste your time or their time. And interested visitors will stay to read more.

Can you imagine how much easier it will be to write the copy for your website if you don’t try to appeal and please everybody? You will know exactly what do you want to say, what tone to use, and how to face the objectives of your potential clients every single time.

It’s not very easy to do and narrow your niche and speak to a specific group of people. Maybe in the beginning it will seem like you losing clients if you’re not pleasing everybody. But believe me, sometimes less is so much more. 100 interested people are so much more valuable than 10000 people who don’t really care what you do. It’s just a mind shift you will have to do.


A good copy helps with the Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) of your website. Well-written headlines, subheadlines, and paragraphs help search engines to understand your website.

The more valuable, high-quality, and clear copy you have on your website, the more likely it is that search engines will rank your website in organic search results.

A well-written copy helps to build trust

A well-written copy can show you as an expert in your field.  Don’t be afraid to be specific, it will show that you know exactly what you are talking about. And people who stayed to read your blog or learn more about your services want to know the specificity.

When you find your authentic voice, speak it, and don’t afraid to share your experience and vulnerability, people really appreciate it and connect more with you. We as human beings have often the same struggles in life and we want to know how other people are dealing with them so that we could speak about it and use their experiences to help us.

Don’t be afraid to be generous, share free information, provide value and help people. It creates connection and shows you as an expert. People will feel like they know you and they will trust you more, and they will be more willing to buy from you. We’re all tired of cold sales and of people who’re trying to sell to us things we don’t need. 

So don’t be afraid to show up, speak your authentic voice, provide value, and connect another human being like yourself.

A pervasive web copy SALES

A pervasive copy doesn’t mean a pushy copy or a copy that tries to pervasive people buy something they don’t need. You shouldn’t use sneaky or dirty techniques to make people buy from you.

For writing a pervasive web copy you need you clearly understand your reader’s desires and needs. That’s why knowing exactly who you’re speaking to is so important. In your web copy, you will explain how you can fulfil those needs or desires, and what the benefits your readers will get from working with you. 

Great sales copy should:

  • focus on your website visitors’ problems
  •  be clear and easy to read
  •  answer all the objectives people can have towards your services or products
  • explain how your product or service makes their life easier and what problem it will solve
  • should be just a right size
  • encourage people to take action

Final thoughts

In conclusion, I want to say that both your website copy and your web design are important for creating a great user experience and making people take action. You shouldn’t focus only on design and forget the copy and vice versa. You should pay attention and work both on your website’s design and copy if you want your website to bring the results you hope for your business.

A good website design and a well-written copy should create a beautiful combination and complement each other.

If you want to learn more about copywriting and improve it as a valuable skill, there are several great blogs I can advise you:


